We practice consistent cleaning protocols and maintain a clean clinic environment.
The following outlines our safety practices to address general communicable disease prevention and maintain your overall health and safety while at our clinic.
To prevent the transmission of all communicable diseases:
If you are not feeling well, please stay home.
Our therapists will not provide in-person care if they feel unwell.

Hand Hygiene:
Hand sanitizer is available for your use in the reception area. Patients may wash their hands or use hand sanitizer once at the clinic.
As is our usual practice, our therapists wash their hands before and after each treatment and at other times, as appropriate.

We frequently disinfect high touch surfaces such as door handles, faucets, desks and table surfaces.
Treatment rooms, including all equipment (treatment table and adjustment levers), are sanitized after each use.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
We welcome the use of masks and your individual personal boundaries will be respected. Let your therapist know if you have a specific piece of personal protective equipment you would like them to wear.
We have disposable masks available for you, if desired.