Prior to becoming a massage therapist, Cary enjoyed a successful management career in luxury hotels, working in Kelowna, Vancouver, England, and California. While his work was rewarding, Cary wanted to have a greater impact on people’s lives and his penchant for science and working with his hands made massage therapy a natural choice.
Cary attended the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy and soon discovered Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and its ability to treat a wide variety of conditions that traditional massage therapy does not. To that end, Cary is now a Dr. Vodder Certified MLD/CDT Therapist. Some conditions MLD is used to treat include: edema (post-surgical swelling, Lymphedema), traumatic injuries (hematomas, contusions, whiplash) and skin conditions (eczema, acne). Cary also uses traditional massage techniques and develops treatment plans to address the needs of each individual. He also feels patient education is key to maintaining long-term health and well-being.
Cary grew up in West Kelowna where he enjoyed the Okanagan lifestyle and a variety of sports year-round. When not working he enjoys fly-fishing, cycling, reading and cheering on his children at the soccer pitch.
Education, Certifications & Training:
- Registered Massage Therapist – Vancouver College of Massage Therapy
- CPR / Standard First Aid with AED
- Neurokinetic Therapy – Level 3
- Dr. Vodder Certified MLD therapist
Clinical Focus:
- Assessment and treatment of dysfunctional movement patterns
- Treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
- Injury prevention, recovery and rehabilitation
- Lymphatic drainage
Professional Affiliations:
- College of Complimentary Health Practitioners of British Columbia
Cary’s schedule is not currently available for online booking.
Please contact Cary directly if you wish to book an appointment.